La fiaba come cifra dell'identità europea

Available from May 24, 2024
Edited by Massimo Bray - Laura Marchetti
This volume contains the proceedings of a conference held in Rome on 15 May 2019, organised by the Italian region of Apulia, the Teatro Pubblico Pugliese - Regional Consortium for Arts and Culture, in collaboration with the Treccani Institute (Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia). The central theme is that of the fairy tale, which is a product of popular culture that can provide insights into the relationship between people and peoples, and therefore deeply reflects the identity of local communities, while at the same time representing a common European identity. The introductory reflections by Massimo Bray on the theme of the Fairy Tale in relation to the entry on Europe in the Italian Encyclopaedia of Science, Letters, and Arts and by Laura Marchetti on the role of the fundamental values of fraternity, equality and freedom in European folk tales are followed by contributions from twelve scholars: Giovanni Puglisi, Bernhard Lauer, Piero Bevilacqua, Luigi M. Lombardi Satriani, Ferdinando Mirizzi, Franca Pinto Minerva, Battista Quinto Borghi, Paolo Ponzio, Lea Durante, Salvatore Colazzo, Domenico Di Leo, and Roberto De Simone. The concluding remarks are written by Aldo Patruno, who contextualises the interest in fairy tales in Apulia and explains the rationale behind this work as an ‘attempt to find, in the absence of a substantive debate on the future of Europe, profound and original ways of interpreting the present, which does not seem to offer reassuring prospects’.

Product details

Binding: paperback
Format: 168X240
Number of pagese: 204
Language: Italian

More informations

Since 2015, Massimo Bray has been General Manager of the Institute of the Italian Encyclopaedia, founded by Giovanni Treccani, after having been its Editorial Director (1994-2013) and head of the Modern History section (since 1991). He was the president of the ‘La Notte della Taranta’ foundation, which organises the largest popular music festival in Europe. In 2013, he was elected as an MP for the Democratic Party and appointed Minister of Heritage, Cultural Activities and Tourism. In March 2015, he resigned as an MP and returned to Treccani. His published works include ‘Alla voce Cultura. Diario sospeso della mia esperienza di Ministro’ (Manni, 2019).
Laura Marchetti is a professor of Anthropology and Intercultural Pedagogy at the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria. Some of her many published works include: ‘La Madre, il Gioco, la Terra’ (Laterza, 1994), ‘La Fiaba, la Natura, la Matria. Pensare la decrescita con i Grimm’ (il melangolo, 2014); ‘Sulla tradizione orale. Il mito, il pianto, il canto’ (Mimesis, 2022). She writes for the cultural column of the ‘manifesto’. She is a member of the College of Experts of the President of the Apulia Region, where she deals with environment and culture. She is the scientific coordinator of the project ‘Le strade della Fiaba’. "

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